
Her Boyfriend Said He’d Marry Her If She Lost Some Weight, And She’s Been Left Feeling Really Hurt

In the past, she’s also always struggled with some insecurities about her weight and was a bit self-conscious about her body.

However, she never expected her own partner to use her appearance against her and make her feel terrible like that.

Still, in the grand scheme of things, she really isn’t sure if she has a right to feel hurt and expect more from her boyfriend or if she’s just overreacting.

On top of that, she’d like to talk to her boyfriend about how his comment made her feel.

“I know communication is key in a relationship,” she said.

However, she really doesn’t know how to broach the topic and express her feelings without sparking a major fight between them.

How would you feel if your partner said something like that to you? Do you think her boyfriend has shown his true colors?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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