
Her Boyfriend Proposed But She Gave Back The Ring, And Now She Feels Like She Doesn’t Love Him Anymore

She didn’t understand her boyfriend’s reasoning, so she tried to make him see that she would like to try to fix their relationship, even with the ending of their engagement.

He agreed to work things out, and they have gone to counseling together. Their therapist said to her boyfriend she was giving all of herself in the relationship while he didn’t do the same.

She hoped the therapist validating her feelings would help her boyfriend see things from her side, but it didn’t quite do that.

While they’re in a much better place as a couple, she feels like they’re more like roommates and best friends than anything else.

Things have not truly changed, and she doubts they ever will. Her boyfriend doesn’t get her needs and wants.

“I’m worried I mentally checked out when I gave him the ring back,” she added. “I love him, but I don’t feel in love with him anymore.”

“I can’t imagine a life without him but this also isn’t the life I pictured for myself. He still isn’t willing to change anything on his end but wants me here waiting for him. I don’t know what to do, say, or think anymore where it concerns him. I don’t want to throw away the years we’ve spent together, but I also don’t know how we can compromise.”

“I’m actually sitting here wanting him to leave for work so I can continue on with my life for the week he’s gone. Am I in a dead-end relationship? If I am, I don’t think I will have the strength to leave him. How can I get him to see my point of view?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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