
Her Boyfriend Proposed But She Gave Back The Ring, And Now She Feels Like She Doesn’t Love Him Anymore

“The proposal itself was not romantic, and I felt I had to beg for a proposal leading up to it, but I pushed those feelings aside since I was so happy we were engaged,” she said.

“Time passes, we move to a new city, and he gets a new job in November that requires him to travel for work every other week. I’m not at all happy with it since I’m, for lack of a better word, clingy, but I still do my best not to unload my feelings onto him.”

Earlier this year, she struggled with severe depression and got help from a therapist. Throughout her struggles with her mental health, she asked her boyfriend to come home more frequently, as she felt a lack of support from him.

In the following months, she told her boyfriend she felt like they were not actually in a relationship and that he cared more about his job than her.

Several times, she called her boyfriend up in tears and pleaded with him to come home even for one evening.

She felt overwhelmingly alone in the world and just wanted her boyfriend there with her to help her feel better.

“This sadness would turn to anger when he responded with, “I’m doing this job so we could have a future together,” she added.

“I told him a few times that he’s gone more than he’s home and that if nothing changes, we won’t have a future together. I had hoped this would wake him up to how badly I needed him, but sadly, it didn’t.”

“In April, before our 6-year anniversary, I sat him down and gave him the engagement ring back. I explained to him that I felt like we were stuck in an endless loop, having the same convos over and over again.”

She was honest about not feeling important in her boyfriend’s life and that she wanted to feel that way, let alone be with someone who doesn’t spend enough time with her.

Her boyfriend replied that he “spoiled” her with his last job, as he worked normal hours and was home with her after 5 p.m.

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