
Her Boyfriend Never Showers After Finishing A Hospital Shift Or Working Out At The Gym, And It Really Grosses Her Out

But he didn’t really even respond. All he did was chuckle and say, “Ha, yeah.”

So, whenever she’s lying in bed next to him at night, she feels disgusting knowing that there is grime and “ick” all over him – especially while she’s already dealing with acne.

“And he always wants me to cuddle him,” she vented, “I told him, babe, you need to wash that face.”

She’s even tried straight-up telling her boyfriend that he makes her feel really gross by not cleaning up after work or the gym.

Nonetheless, he still hasn’t changed any of his habits and refuses to shower once he gets home from a shift or a workout.

So now, she is really at a loss and has no idea what to do to address this icky situation.

Would you also feel grossed out if you were in her shoes? How should she deal with this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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