
Her Boyfriend Is So Far Out Of Her League That It’s Stressing Her Out

“I have a good head on my shoulders, and I have really strong morals. I support him through his work, etc. and I do give him a lot of love. I try my best to be the best girlfriend, but I’m just not that great compared to him. I’m in therapy, and it doesn’t really help this issue.”

She finds herself trying to push her boyfriend away from her on occasion because she doesn’t feel worthy of being with him.

Despite this, he’s nothing but amazing to her and does everything in his power to make her feel loved and happy.

They currently live together, and he likes to bring up getting married on a regular basis. Whenever she feels sad, he’s right there to try to lift her spirits.

“He is seriously just a great human, and any girl would be lucky to have him,” she said. “There are so many women with way better bodies, families, accomplishments, and talents than myself.”

“I am in debilitating fear daily that all it takes is one prettier girl to walk by, and he’ll fall in love with someone else. I know that dating is so hard for women these days; it seems like all my friends are getting ghosted and used.”

“Why did I get so lucky to find such a good man? Why does he choose me? I don’t understand how I deserve him at all because the truth is that I don’t.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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