
Her Boyfriend Is So Far Out Of Her League That It’s Stressing Her Out

millaf - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For two years now, this 24-year-old girl has been dating her 27-year-old boyfriend, but every single day, she thinks about why her boyfriend picked her.

She’s scared to lose him, and she believes he’s so far out of her league that it’s stressing her out. She knows she can never do better than him, and she has a few reasons for thinking her boyfriend is too good for her.

Firstly, her boyfriend is an accomplished Marine veteran, and he’s also extremely successful in his new career. He makes an enormous amount of money at his job.

He works out and is in amazing shape. He runs marathons. He’s super handsome. He’s sweet and everyone he meets adores him.

And finally, he comes from a stable, loving family, and he’s still close with all of them.

In contrast, she says she’s not athletic in the least, though she does go to the gym. She makes very little money working in retail.

She never attended college, doesn’t have any hobbies or talents, and doesn’t have any friends really.

She’s the product of a broken home, and she’s no longer close to her family members because of what she experienced growing up.

“The only good things about me are that I’m beautiful (this is all I feel I have to offer, and one day, my looks will fade) and that I’m extremely loyal,” she explained.

millaf – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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