
Her Boyfriend Humiliated Her By Pretending To Propose In Front Of His Friends

When her boyfriend’s friends went home, she tried to say something to him about the fake proposal, but he argued that she was being overly sensitive at him trying to have a little fun.

She didn’t find it funny that he played this prank at her expense. She’s serious about spending her life with her boyfriend, and she feels that he mocked their relationship and her feelings by pretending to propose.

Her boyfriend is aware of how important it is to her to get married to him one day, and he threw her feelings in her face.

“The thing is, he didn’t seem to understand why I was upset,” she said. “He kept saying it was just a joke and I should lighten up.”

“I love him, but this has really shaken me. How do I even start to explain to him how deeply this hurt me?”

“Has anyone else been through something like this? Breaking up over a joke after 5 years together feels wrong to me, but I feel so hurt right now.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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