
Her Boyfriend Humiliated Her By Pretending To Propose In Front Of His Friends

DPN - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

For the last five years, this 28-year-old woman has been dating her 33-year-old boyfriend, and they currently live with one another.

All along, she thought that she and her boyfriend shared the same views of what their futures would look like.

Yesterday evening, she and her boyfriend had a little get together at their apartment and invited his friends.

Everything was going wonderfully, and as the night came to an end, all of her boyfriend’s friends were chatting about marriage and relationships.

Her boyfriend’s friends have been putting pressure on him to propose to her for quite some time, so she was hardly shocked that they were discussing tying the knot.

Out of the blue, her boyfriend dropped down on one knee and presented her with an engagement ring.

“He started this whole speech about how much he loves me and how he wants to spend the rest of his life with me,” she explained.

“I was in shock and started crying tears of joy. This is something I’ve been dreaming about for a while now. Just as I’m about to say yes, he bursts out laughing and says, “Relax, babe. It’s just a joke.”

“His friends were laughing, and I was just standing there completely shattered. He handed me this plastic ring. The kind you get out of a vending machine. I tried to play it off and laugh, too, but inside, I was dying. I felt so humiliated and hurt.”

DPN – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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