
Her Boyfriend Has A New Single, Female Roommate, And She’s Concerned

She promises she’s not a jealous girlfriend, and she trusts Sam implicitly, but she can’t shake the feeling that Alice is a disaster on the horizon.

Alice is clearly going through a tough time right now and she thinks this girl is going to need a lot of support.

“Emotionally and perhaps even with her stuff and everything that comes with a breakup,” she said.

“Combine that with a move, and it is a lot. I empathize with her, but I am scared of how this will affect Sam and me. I am currently abroad for the next 3 weeks, which means that Sam is home most of the time and will be spending a lot of time with Alice.”

“Alice will be vulnerable, and I am sure Sam will try to take care of her as much as he can as they are now roommates, and a roommate sometimes is like family. I am scared they will bond a lot, to be honest.”

She has thought about addressing her worries with Sam, but she feels that wouldn’t be a reasonable thing for her to do.

Sam really would like a roommate so he can avoid paying the insane rent price on his condo. The lease is over in about three months, and she thinks if Sam and Alice hit it off, they will definitely sign up for another lease.

She’s left feeling like Sam’s new roommate isn’t going to be a good thing for her, but she doesn’t know if it’s appropriate to voice her concerns.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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