
Her Boyfriend Has A New Single, Female Roommate, And She’s Concerned

Justlight - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old woman has a 40-year-old boyfriend named Sam, and they live in an extremely expensive city.

Sam rents a condo with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, and while he can afford to live alone, he enjoys having a roommate.

Sam’s job is super lonely, and he works from home, so he likes that a roommate provides him with a bit of company.

Sam used to live with one of his female friends named Lola, but Lola recently got pregnant and moved out to live with the man she just got engaged to.

“I never had a problem with Sam having a female roommate as I knew Lola had a boyfriend, and they were very good friends, so I just saw it as normal; both people needed a place to live and wanted to split the rent,” she explained.

“Since Lola had to move out and the apartment price is extremely expensive, Sam was in search of a new roommate. He did ask me to move in with him, but I consider it too early on in the relationship, and I really value my independence as I am very busy with my classes/job/research and can’t add a live-in partner to the mix at this time.”

“Lola felt very bad that she had to move out before the lease is up, in September, so she told Sam she would find someone to take her room and relieve Sam from the burden of having to pay the whole rent by himself.

Lola has a friend named Alice who just split up with her boyfriend and wanted to find a new place to live ASAP.

Lola told Alice about Sam’s apartment, and Alice moved right in with Sam yesterday. Alice was supposed to move in over the weekend, but after getting into an enormous fight with her now-ex, she bumped up her move-in date.

Justlight – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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