Categories: Relationships

Her Boyfriend Confessed In Front Of His Friends That He Believes Her Sister Is Prettier Than She Is

Bre Avery Zacharski

Two months ago, she was invited to brunch with her boyfriend and his friends, and this marked the first time she got to meet these people.

“I was asked about my siblings, and at some point, my boyfriend loudly proclaimed, “If you guys think (my name) is pretty, you should see her sister!!” And then began showing everyone at the table photos of her Instagram, and of course, everyone was in awe,” she said.

“I felt so small. And now I know my own boyfriend also found her more attractive than me. I brought it up afterward, and he backpedaled and stated he didn’t mean it that way.”

“But it’s been two months now, and the comment won’t leave my mind. I can’t escape the constant comparisons to her and I don’t think I ever will. It’s exhausting. How do I overcome these insecurities?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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