
Her Best Friend Knocked On Her Door In The Middle Of The Night And Accused Her Of Sleeping With Her Husband

Her first instinct was to do everything she could to calm her best friend down before saying she should talk to her husband.

The very next day, her feelings changed, and she felt disgusted by her best friend doing this. It also made her feel completely offended.

“She made me question my whole being – if I’m a bad person or inappropriate in any way,” she said.

“Today, I consulted with a few friends, and they told me that I need to remove her from my life. Anyone who knows me knows that I’m the last person to hurt even a stranger, let alone my so-called best friend.”

“I’m in a pickle now, I haven’t talked to her since that day. Even though she felt remorse, I feel like that was quite messed up. She also told me that, apparently, he has been Snapchatting with women.”

So, her best friend had no proof of her cheating with her husband, let alone any evidence that he was physical with any other woman.

She’s left feeling hurt and puzzled. She can’t wrap her head around why her best friend would accuse her in such a jarring way.

She’s wondering if she should try to mend her friendship and get her bestie help or cut her right out of her life.

What do you think she should do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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