
Her Best Friend Knocked On Her Door In The Middle Of The Night And Accused Her Of Sleeping With Her Husband

nowyn - - illustrative purposes only

In the middle of the night one evening, this 31-year-old woman’s 34-year-old best friend knocked on her door.

She got up and opened the door for her best friend, but her best friend refused to come into her home.

Instead, her best friend stared at her right in the eyes and asked her if she had been sleeping with her husband.

She was surprised, to say the least, and replied that if this was some kind of a prank, it was in bad taste and hardly hilarious.

Her best friend insisted she was being serious. She responded that she couldn’t believe her best friend would ask her this kind of a question, as she would never do something so hurtful to her.

“She didn’t let go and went on with her accusations, and when I asked about basis – nonexisting,” she explained.

“Just a feeling she had. After an hour, she leaves, and right before she leaves, she says that it was a mistake and runs off, calls me, crying and apologizing.”

She’s been best friends with her since they were only 15. When her best friend got married, she didn’t even go to her wedding, as she hates her husband.

Over the years, she’s come to accept the guy, but only because he’s an excellent dad. Anyway, the cheating accusation went down three days ago, and she couldn’t help but be shocked.

nowyn – – illustrative purposes only

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