
Her Best Friend Called Her Out For Not Giving Her A Wedding Gift, But She Spent $5,500 To Be There So She Thought That Was Enough

sonyachny - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Two weekends ago, this 30-year-old woman’s 31-year-old best friend got married, and she got to be one of the bridesmaids.

Frankly, she did not expect her best friend’s wedding to cost her as much money as it did. She also believes her best friend didn’t accurately guess that it would be expensive for everyone involved, either.

“We went to Vegas for her bachelorette party a couple of months ago; her shower cost $300 per bridesmaid, not to mention the group shower gift between all the bridesmaids, wedding hair, makeup, shoes, dress, and alternations,” she explained.

“The wedding was in another state, so my husband and I had to drive in, book a hotel, and pay my MIL for the weekend to watch our daughter and dogs.”

“All in all, I spent roughly $5,500 after it was all said and done. I thought after all the money I put toward being a part of her bridal party AND setting up her shower, setting up her wedding, and cleaning up the wedding venue, a wedding gift wasn’t necessary.”

Well, she didn’t guess correctly that her best friend would be fine with her skipping out on purchasing an actual gift.

As soon as her best friend returned from her honeymoon, she phoned her up to say that she had finished looking at all of her presents and didn’t see a gift from her.

Her best friend asked if she had accidentally left the gift at home, but she responded that she didn’t think she had to buy her anything after everything she did for her bridal party.

She did invest a lot financially, as well as physically, into her best friend’s wedding after all.

sonyachny – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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