
He Won’t Allow His Brother-In-Law’s Family Of Five To Move Into His Home Because He Thinks Having Nine People Under One Roof Will Disrupt His Own Family

After his family suffered during a week of living with Joe’s family, he believes that a few months crammed into their house would make all involved miserable.

He began suggesting alternative solutions for Joe and his family, like recommending staying with his mom or finding a short-term rental home.

Joe is adamant that their best bet is our property.

“My spouse is conflicted, [as] she is aware of my worries, but she also feels compelled to support her brother,” he explained.

“She is concerned that if we decline to assist, it would harm their connection and make us appear conceited.”

After days of going back and forth with his wife, he decided to refuse to allow Joe and his family to stay with them. Now, his wife is very upset with him, even though he feels he made the decision in everyone’s best interest.

What would you have done if you were in his position?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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