
He Won’t Allow His Brother-In-Law’s Family Of Five To Move Into His Home Because He Thinks Having Nine People Under One Roof Will Disrupt His Own Family

Miljan Živkovi? - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

While you may be quick to say yes when someone asks to stay with you while going through a hard time, it is something you should consider for a while before making any big decisions.

One man’s wife is mad at him after he refused to allow his brother-in-law and his family to stay in their home while he looks for a new job.

He and his wife are in their early 30s and have been living in a modest three-bedroom house with their two young kids.

Recently, he found out that his wife’s brother, Joe, lost his job. It’s been especially scary, as Joe has a family to look after, including a wife and three kids, 10 and under.

A few days ago, Joe and his wife sat down with him and his wife to ask if they could temporarily stay in their home with their children while Joe looked for a new job.

Joe and his wife promised they’d only be in their home for a few months at most, but still, he immediately felt hesitant.

“With the four of us living here, it’s already crowded, and it would be rather packed with five more people,” he said.

“Joe pledged to help out financially, but given his current circumstances, I’m not sure how much he can really afford.”

Additionally, Joe and his family stayed in their home for a week last year when their home was being renovated, and it was an extremely stressful time. Their house was messy and noisy, and their daily routine was extremely interrupted. He and his wife fought a lot with that many people in their house.

Miljan Živković – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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