
He Told His Girlfriend She Needs To Choose Between Him Or Her Male Coworker Because He’s Sick Of Feeling Like He’s In Second Place

“I told her she needed to choose between maintaining her close friendship with this guy or our relationship because I couldn’t handle the constant feeling of being second place,” he explained.

Rather than understanding his feelings, though, his girlfriend just accused him of being unreasonable and trying to control her life. She also claimed he was overreacting and that she should be allowed to have friends outside of their relationship.

Since their argument, his girlfriend has barely been speaking to him, too, and he’s now begun to question whether he handled this the right way.

“I don’t want to be the controlling boyfriend, but I also don’t want to feel disrespected and sidelined,” he vented.

So now, he’s been left wondering if telling his girlfriend that she needed to choose between him or her new guy friend was reasonable or not.

Can you understand why he no longer feels like his girlfriend’s priority? Would you feel comfortable with your partner getting so close to a new coworker? Was the ultimatum a good idea or not?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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