
He Told His Girlfriend She Needs To Choose Between Him Or Her Male Coworker Because He’s Sick Of Feeling Like He’s In Second Place

Petryshak - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man and his girlfriend have been together for over two years now, and he believes that their relationship has been mostly wonderful. But, his girlfriend recently met a new male colleague at work, who she’s been spending a lot of time with, and it’s making him pretty uneasy.

“She insists they’re just friends, but I’ve noticed a few things that make me uncomfortable,” he said.

For instance, his girlfriend is always texting her new guy friend – even if they are out on dates together. She also laughs at the guy’s jokes and always seems really excited whenever talking about him.

Ever since his girlfriend started going out for lunch with her new guy friend multiple times each week, she’s even begun dressing up for work more – something that she never used to do.

“When I brought it up, she got defensive and said I was being paranoid and controlling,” he recalled.

So, for a while, he tried to leave it alone and push his feelings aside. However, last weekend was the final straw for him.

Apparently, his girlfriend went out and claimed she was going to a “work event.” Well, he wound up finding out later that she and her new guy friend actually just attended a concert together.

Upon learning the truth, he obviously confronted her. But all she said was that she didn’t think it was a big deal. According to his girlfriend, the concert was a “last-minute decision,” and she didn’t want to bother him with the change of plans.

This left him feeling really uncomfortable, too, and he decided that he finally needed to draw a boundary in their relationship. So, he gave his girlfriend an ultimatum.

Petryshak – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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