
He Said His Girlfriend’s Work Ethic Is Bad After She Got Called Out By Her Manager For Lying About The Hours She Works

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Sometimes, when you’re surrounded by people who complain all the time, you can’t help but call them out, especially if they’re complaining about something that isn’t that bad.

One man is in trouble with his girlfriend after he called her out for not taking accountability at work because she was complaining about getting scolded by her boss.

He has a girlfriend who works a job that requires her to work some days from home and some days in the office.

At first, his girlfriend really liked her job, but for a while now, she’s been complaining about it and finding ways to “cheat the system.”

“She works from home [most] of the time, so she’s getting into the habit of pretty much just finishing one to two hours early and keeping her laptop logged on so it looks like she’s working,” he explained.

“When she goes into the office, she’ll [leave home] when she should be starting work, and it’s a 50-minute drive. She then leaves 50 minutes early when she’s coming back. She was in the office yesterday and got pulled into the office by the manager. He told her he’d noticed she hadn’t been working the hours she should have since she hadn’t responded to emails that had been sent later in the work day.”

His girlfriend’s manager also scolded her for her false start and end times at work and had to stop lying about when she actually starts and ends work.

Later that day, his girlfriend returned home and ranted to him about how her boss had called her out. As she continued, he was getting pretty sick of listening to her.

“I told her she needs to take accountability,” he recalled.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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