
He Packed Up His Mother-In-Law’s Stuff And Kicked Her Out After She Hit His Son With A Shoe For Blocking The TV

“I asked my mother-in-law where the kids [were], and she told me that she forgot [about them] since she was watching her favorite show.”

After angrily picking up his mother-in-law’s slack and taking his kids home from school, he went to take a nap after a long day at work.

Then, he suddenly woke up to the sounds of his son crying hysterically. He learned that his mother-in-law had hit him with a shoe because he walked into the living room and blocked her view of the television for a few seconds.

When he confronted his mother-in-law, she told him his son deserved it.

“I decided enough is enough, so when she was shopping with her friends, I packed up her stuff and threw it on my porch,” he said.

“She told the family, and most of them are siding with me, but some of her relatives are siding with her, including my wife.”

After everything that went down, he’s wondering if he was wrong to kick out his mother-in-law.

Should he feel bad, or did he do the right thing for the sake of his kids?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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