
He Makes Six Figures A Year As A Professional Video Gamer, But His Girlfriend’s Parents Don’t Want Them To Get Married Until He Gets A More Traditional Career

Gorodenkoff - - illustrative purposes only
Gorodenkoff - - illustrative purposes only

It’s been two years so far that this 27-year-old guy has been in a relationship with his 25-year-old girlfriend, and never once did his career come up in conversation with his girlfriend’s parents.

Not that long ago, he asked his girlfriend’s mom and dad for their blessing so he could ask his girlfriend to marry him.

His girlfriend’s parents had no problem with him getting married to his girlfriend when he asked for her hand in marriage.

His girlfriend has said to her mom and dad that he works from home and is quite well-off in a financial sense, but his girlfriend’s parents never pushed for more information beyond the high level overview of what he does.

A couple of days ago, his girlfriend’s family had a big party, and he wasn’t able to go since he had to play in a qualifying game for a tournament.

“Her mom ended up asking what I do specifically, and [my girlfriend] told her what I did – that I stream and essentially play video games for a living,” he explained.

“And now they don’t want her to marry me [until] I get a “more financially stable job”…it’s none of their business, but on average over the last 3 years that I’ve been doing full-time content, I’m making around $100k-$130k a year (pending sponsorship opportunities, etc.).”

“How do I overcome them now frowning upon what I do for work? I get it’s not something with a 401K, and it’s not your typical 9-5, but I’m making good money and have made some great financial investments to where even if I stopped streaming, I wouldn’t have to worry about things.”

His girlfriend is incredibly supportive of his nontraditional career, and she knows that he has plenty of money in the bank.

Gorodenkoff – – illustrative purposes only

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