
He Learned His Girlfriend Cheated On Him Five Years Ago, But He’s Finally Breaking Up With Her Now Since He Has An Opportunity For A Fresh Start

opolja - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Do you know anyone who’s stayed with a partner that cheated on them in the past?

One man stayed with his girlfriend for five years after finding out from her friends that she cheated on him once. When he finally told her he knew, she was not happy.

He and his girlfriend have been together for five years. One year into their relationship, he learned from two of his girlfriend’s friends that she cheated on him at her sister’s bachelorette party. They showed him pictures to prove it actually happened.

While her friends assumed he would go ahead and break up with her, he ended up staying with his girlfriend for five more years and didn’t tell her he knew about the cheating.

“If I’m being honest, I had very low self-esteem then, and I thought she was the best I could do,” he admitted.

“I threw myself into my work and have improved my position at my employer. I now have an opportunity to move to a different location, and I want a fresh start.”

He recently told his girlfriend that he accepted a new job position and would be moving. There was a moment where she could decide whether or not to go with him, and she told him she didn’t want to move far away from her friends or family unless she knew their relationship would become more serious.

He told his girlfriend he understood where she was coming from and accepted that she wouldn’t be moving with him. When his girlfriend asked how long he’d be away, he told her it would be a permanent move.

“She freaked out and said that I had wasted six years of her life planning a future with me,” he recalled.

opolja – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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