
He Felt Like A Third Wheel While His Wife Chatted With Another Man At A Bar, So He Approached Two Women And His Wife Was Furious

Nomad_Soul - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

When you and your partner go out, you should be allowed to chat with people of the opposite gender. But when you exclude your partner from those conversations, it can hurt their feelings.

One man recently got into trouble with his wife after chatting with two women while they were at a bar because she wouldn’t include him in her conversation with another man.

He and his wife are in their mid-30s and recently went out to a bar for some drinks and dancing. After getting to the bar, he handed his wife cash to get them some drinks and headed to the restroom.

When he left the restroom, he saw his wife talking to another man at the bar with their drinks. He didn’t think anything of it at first and went over to join in.

However, when he tried to include himself in their conversation, it didn’t work out.

“I felt so awkward standing there as this guy had no idea who I was, and my wife didn’t introduce me,” he explained.

“So, I stick out my hand to introduce myself as her husband, and the guy just blankly stares at me and gives me a limped wrist handshake. My wife and the guy continue their conversation.”

He began feeling like a “third wheel” and became increasingly uncomfortable, so he decided to chat with two women he saw hanging at the bar. After all, he and his wife went out to socialize. Although he wanted them to socialize together, his wife ruined that.

He was innocently chatting with one of the women about a band they both like when his wife gave him the “death stare” and pulled him away.

Nomad_Soul – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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