
He Doesn’t Want His Sister To Bring Her New Boyfriend To His Birthday Dinner Because He Knows He’ll Probably Never See The Guy Again

halayalex - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you have someone in your life who seems to be constantly entering new romantic relationships, meeting their current partners can be a bit awkward.

One man recently asked his sister not to bring her new boyfriend to his birthday dinner because he doesn’t want a random man who may not be around for long there.

He’s 27 and about to celebrate his birthday. For the last few years, he’s enjoyed having sweet and small celebrations for his birthday with his closest relatives, including his mom, sister, and aunt. He doesn’t like much attention on him but wants to be able to have a special day.

His 29-year-old sister is very different from him and loves being the center of attention on any and all occasions. She also has a complex relationship history with a series of boyfriends. In the last two years, she’s had three boyfriends.

While he doesn’t mind meeting these come-and-go boyfriends at random diners and gatherings, he wouldn’t want to meet them on special occasions.

His sister has been dating her current boyfriend, and he had a feeling she’d want to bring him to his birthday dinner, which he wanted to avoid.

“Last week, she called me and asked politely if it was okay for her to bring her new boyfriend,” he recalled.

“In a respectful tone, I replied that I didn’t want her to bring him, and she said okay. This weekend, I was talking to my mom, and she said that the two were coming together.”

He became very upset and confronted his sister, who confirmed that she’d be bringing her boyfriend to his birthday dinner despite what he said.

halayalex – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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