
He Called His Wife’s College, Exposed Her For Having An Affair With Her Professor, And Stopped Paying Her Tuition Fees

fizkes - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I’ve always felt so sorry for people who get cheated on by their partners, even though they were always incredibly loyal and supportive.

One man recently decided to stop paying his wife’s tuition because he found out she was having an affair with one of her professors.

He’s 31, and his wife is 29-years-old. They’ve been married for seven years, and he always cared about her greatly.

A few years ago, when his wife decided she wanted to go back to school and get her degree, he was extremely supportive and even started paying for her tuition out of pocket so she could follow her dreams and not be bogged down by student debt.

However, he recently found out some news that broke his heart and made him feel a lot less affectionate toward his wife.

“Recently, I discovered that she has been having an affair with one of her professors,” he said.

“This was devastating for me to find out. Not only did it feel like a huge betrayal, but I was also furious because I’m essentially funding this affair by paying for her education.”

He confronted his wife, but she didn’t give him a decent apology, which fueled his anger and disappointment. He did a bit of research on the professor his wife was involved with and discovered his wife worked at the school’s registrar’s office.

When he noticed that, he felt motivated to call the school and not only cancel his wife’s tuition but tell the registrar’s office about the affair because that way, the professor’s poor wife would find out and have the upper hand.

fizkes – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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