
He Called His Fiancé Unhygienic And Said He Didn’t Want To Hug Someone Who Smelled Like A Pile Of Onions

fizkes - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
fizkes - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever been in that uncomfortable situation where you’ve dated someone who had a few hygiene issues? What would you do if you were supposed to marry that person?

One man recently confronted his fiancé, whose recent lack of proper hygiene has been bothering him.

He and his fiancé are in their early 20s. While he loves his fiancé and thinks he’s a very sweet guy, he’s had a few hygiene issues that affect their relationship.

Recently, his fiancé has gotten worse about taking the proper precautions to make sure he doesn’t stink throughout the day, like applying deodorant.

The other day, his fiancé hugged him when he came home, and he smelled awful. There had been a few instances where he stunk a little, but it was particularly bad in this instance.

“I pointed it out, and he told me that he didn’t think it was that bad because he had tried to put cologne under his arms to mask the scent,” he recalled.

“I was confused and asked him why he didn’t just shower or wipe under his arms with soap and water, but he told me that he wanted to wait a while before he took one.”

This was one of those moments where he couldn’t understand why his fiancé would try to cover up his poor hygiene with cologne and not simply take care of it by showering or using deodorant.

He became so angry that he told his fiancé that what he was doing was unhygienic and that he couldn’t stand trying to hug him when he smelled like a “pile of onions.”

fizkes – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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