
He Broke Things Off With A Woman Because She Didn’t Know Basic Geography And Couldn’t Even Name Their Home State On A U.S. Map

Nonetheless, he couldn’t shake the icky feeling, so three days ago, he realized he “wanted out so bad” and finally broke things off with her.

“I didn’t mention explicitly it was because of the Iowa geography thing, but it was,” he said.

Unfortunately, though, the woman he was seeing was actually a family friend. So now, his whole family keeps accusing him of being a jerk.

“I think it’s valid to want a partner who knows where they are on a map, but that’s just me,” he vented.

Still, he can’t help but wonder if ending things with the woman since she didn’t know basic geography was justified or not.

Do you think he was too harsh, or is it important to have a basic awareness of your location? Would this give you the ick, too? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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