
He Broke Things Off With A Woman Because She Didn’t Know Basic Geography And Couldn’t Even Name Their Home State On A U.S. Map

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Whenever you start seeing someone new, you become a sort of data analyst. You collect information about an individual’s positive qualities, as well as their quirks and red flags, to make an informed decision about whether you want to date them or not.

During this process, it’s super common to come face-to-face with some “icks” that turn you off immediately. For some, this might be clinginess, bad hygiene, loudness, or oversharing. For others, interests like astrology or gaming are also red flags.

Well, this man has encountered a different, perhaps shocking, kind of “ick.” He doesn’t like it when women don’t know basic geography.

For some context, he met a new woman about a month and a half ago and has been going out with her ever since. Then, just last week, he had to travel to Iowa – specifically Cedar Rapids – to participate in a work training program.

“And when I told her I was going, she asked if they were gonna pay for my plane ticket,” he recalled.

They both live in Illinois, though, so he explained how the program would only be a two-and-a-half-hour drive away. At that point, the woman became all surprised and said she had no clue Illinois even bordered Iowa.

“This bothered me so much, I pulled up a U.S. map and asked her to name states,” he revealed.

He realizes that might have been a jerky move, but he found out that she couldn’t name any states – including their home state of Illinois – aside from Texas and Florida.

The fact that she didn’t know basic geography really irked him, too, and he didn’t know why it bothered him so much.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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