
He And His Wife Left A Family Vacation Early Because His Brother Kept Expecting Them To Just Watch His Kids For Free

bokan - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

While having little kids in the family, from nieces and nephews to cousins, can be fun and adorable, it can also get annoying if you’re expected to babysit them all the time.

One man and his wife recently decided to leave a family vacation early after his brother and sister-in-law kept forcing them to watch their kids instead of doing what they wanted.

He and his wife were recently invited to stay with his brother, sister-in-law, and their three kids at their parents’ cabin for a quick vacation. His brother’s kids are 3, 7, and 10 years old.

They’re fairly close with his brother’s family, and his wife helps take care of their youngest a few days a week. So, they were hoping they’d get a break from babysitting and have a relaxing family vacation. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

On the first night in the cabin, his brother and sister-in-law asked him and his wife to watch their kids so they could have a date night. They figured one night alone with the kids wouldn’t be that bad, so they agreed.

However, the next day, his brother and sister-in-law wanted to do a daytime activity that was only suitable for their 10-year-old, so they left their other two kids behind and left for the day without making sure it was okay with him and his wife first.

“We were extremely annoyed,” he recalled.

“Then that afternoon, my wife and I decided to go bar hopping, and sister-in-law got upset and said, ‘I thought this was a family vacation,’ which felt rich considering she’d left her two kids for four hours that morning.”

When he and his wife returned to the cabin tipsy from their bar hop, his brother tried to make them feel guilty, insinuating they’d be hungover the next day.

bokan – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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