
He Admitted He’s Not In Love With His Wife Anymore Since She Destroyed His Self-Confidence By Saying She Didn’t Find Him Attractive

“That was the single most damaging statement anyone had ever said to me,” he explained.

“My wife instantly said she didn’t mean it and apologized for saying that. I told her it was okay. I started going to online therapy, which helped me massively. I started getting my diet in control and also started going to the gym.”

A few years have passed, and while he’s doing better mentally and physically, he still can’t shake what his wife said and how bad she made him feel.

His wife began acting normally again once he lost weight and tried to put a spark back into their romantic life, but he started rejecting her, not because of her looks but because of how she made him feel.

He began talking to a female coworker around his age who told him she went through something similar when her husband began rejecting her after she had a baby.

His coworker told him that a loving relationship shouldn’t include putting each other down because of appearance, and her advice opened his eyes.

“My coworker made me realize that my wife was not someone I want to be with when I’m older, have grey hair, wrinkles, etc.,” he admitted.

“Last night, [I told] my wife I wanted to talk to her about something I was feeling. I just bluntly told her I was no longer in love with her.”

His wife ran out of the room crying, which made him feel guilty, but he had to be honest and admit he didn’t love her anymore.

Should he feel guilty, or will getting out of that relationship be good for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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