
He Admitted He’s Not In Love With His Wife Anymore Since She Destroyed His Self-Confidence By Saying She Didn’t Find Him Attractive

Tetiana - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Believe it or not, the things you say about your partner’s appearance can have a lasting effect. You should strive to be with someone who won’t riddle you with negative comments about the way you look.

One man recently told his wife he doesn’t love her anymore after she had been making him feel bad about the way he looked for years.

He’s 37 and has been married to his 36-year-old wife for 12 years. They have two kids together and have been through their fair share of ups and downs.

When his wife gave birth to their children, her appearance changed drastically, and she gained a lot of weight. He realized it was a part of life and becoming a parent, so he never judged her for it and always saw her as beautiful.

Unfortunately, when he started putting on weight due to mental health issues a few years ago, he didn’t get the same kind of support.

“I was admittedly going through some mental health issues, and I lost myself physically,” he said.

“The work pressure was getting to me, and overall, I just wasn’t feeling great. I gained some weight, wasn’t going to the gym, [and] I was eating a lot.”

He began feeling pretty bad about himself as his wife started rejecting him romantically, and their relationship turned very cold. As he tried getting an answer out of her about why she was always rejecting him, he started figuring out that it was probably because she didn’t like how he looked anymore.

Finally, after pleading with her, his wife was honest and admitted she didn’t find him attractive anymore. She said she still loved him but wasn’t feeling much attraction.

Tetiana – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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