
Dating App Developers Are Considering Integrating AI Technology To Precisely Select Potential Love Interests For Users

Kay Abrahams/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you’re a single person or someone who hasn’t been in a happy relationship in a while, you understand that dating is hard.

Dating is a tricky and complicated game, one that can exhaust us quite quickly.

We spend so much time and energy trying to get to know someone and presenting ourselves in a way that’s just right, all in hopes of finding someone who will want to be in love with us, hopefully for a long time.

As a woman in her 20s, I’ve seen how the world of dating has drastically evolved over the last 10 to 15 years as we’ve thrown ourselves into a digital age.

Through the use of online dating apps and websites, we’ve begun trusting our computers and machines to the point where we use them to find potential love interests.

However, how would you feel if our computers and phones took things a step further and we began trusting artificial intelligence systems to find us love?

While dating apps like Bumble and Hinge give us a platform to pick and select potential partners, there’s still a very good chance we’ll end up selecting someone that truly isn’t right for us, as while the apps present people to us, they can only do so much in ensuring it’s the right match.

Now, dating app developers are now beginning to consider using AI technology that can carefully select people using their apps that would be a great match.

For instance, have you ever been on an app like Hinge and wished it only presented you with people you’d genuinely be interested in, automatically weeding out all the people you’re not interested in?

Kay Abrahams/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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