
Concealer Can Actually Work As Eyeshadow Primer In A Pinch, Helping Your Eye Look Last Longer

Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever found yourself in this scenario? You’ve just sat down or planted yourself in front of your mirror to apply full glam before a night out, date night, or special event, and then remembered you don’t have any eyeshadow primer.

It’s a terrible feeling, especially when you’re scheduled to go somewhere you’re likely to smudge your makeup.

I remember running out of eyeshadow primer the night before my birthday party, and I felt lost when I sat down to do a complex eyeshadow look.

However, did you know that a solid concealer can act as an eyeshadow primer?

If you’re curious how to get your eyeshadow to last longer by using concealer as eyeshadow, keep reading.

First, you’ll want to ensure your skin, especially your eyelids, is prepped. Be sure to cleanse and go through with your skincare, but avoid applying moisturizer on or near your eyelids, as it may cause the concealer to crease.

Next, gently blend a thin layer of your go-to concealer across your eyelids using your fingers or a makeup sponge.

You can blend it into your entire eye area, across the lids, and onto your under eyes. The goal is to create a thin, well-blended layer of concealer and let it dry for a few minutes.

If you can keep your eyes closed while the concealer dries, that’d be great, as it would give it the opportunity to dry without creasing.

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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