
Cheeseburgers Are A Summer Classic: Try Turning Them Into A Casserole For Dinner Tonight

Next, you can start to stir in the tomato paste, ketchup, and mustard, mixing well to combine all the ingredients. Once fully combined, allow the mixture to simmer for about five minutes until slightly thickened.

Then, you can add your cooked macaroni to the skillet and toss everything together until it’s well-mixed.

The fun part is up next – layering the casserole. Grab a greased 9×13-inch baking dish and pour half of the beef and macaroni mixture into it. Afterward, sprinkle one cup of cheddar cheese and half of the chopped pickles on top.

Lastly, you will want to add the remaining beef and macaroni mixture before topping everything off with the remaining cheese and pickles.

By now, your oven should be fully preheated, so simply pop the casserole in and let it bake for about 20 minutes – or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Once you remove it from the oven, you can even top the casserole with additional fresh toppings like chopped tomatoes, extra pickles, or crispy bacon bits for some added flavor and texture.

Prior to serving, just be sure to let the casserole cool for a few minutes. This helps the layers set a bit, making it easier to plate and enjoy!

Simple, tasty, and nostalgic, the cheeseburger casserole is a fun twist on traditional burgers – offering all the flavors in a one-dish wonder that’s sure to be a hit at your dinner table.

So, you can enjoy the familiar taste of a cheeseburger in every bite and even serve this casserole with a side salad or steamed vegetables to round out the meal. Or, for a true burger experience, you might just want to offer a side of crispy potato wedges or sweet potato fries.

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