
Be Considerate Of Fellow Flyers By Following These Unspoken Airplane Etiquette Tips

Why? Because you don’t want to hold up the security line by taking too long to remove your complex shoes, belts, necklaces, earrings, etc. Plus, you’ll be more comfortable if you dress in basics!

Be respectful of your seatmate

When traveling on a plane, especially in sections like economy or coach, you’re often forced to sit very close to someone. If you find yourself sitting close to one or two people next to you, you should be as respectful as possible. This means only sparking up a conversation if they seem interested.

For instance, if they greet you and ask where you’re headed, they probably want to talk. If they put on their headphones or turn to take a nap, they want to keep things quiet.

Don’t blast music or movies

We love to keep ourselves entertained on planes and in the airport with music, games, shows, or movies, but we cannot blast the sound for everyone to hear. It’s disruptive and annoying to many passengers.

If you try playing something in your plane seat without headphones, a flight attendant will likely tell you to turn it off and offer you headphones. Honestly, plane headphones are never very good, so play it safe, bring your own, and turn them on anytime you want to listen to something.

Stay hygienic

This tip is especially important. While airplanes are large, you’ll still be in a cramped space with other people, so you want to make sure you smell good. Wear a lot of deodorant and put on a few subtle perfume or body spray spritzes before heading to the airport. You don’t want to wear too much fragrance, of course, as that could be intense.

Additionally, be sure to cover your mouth when you need to cough or sneeze and consider wearing a mask if you have a cold. You should also avoid doing things like taking your shoes off and exposing your bare feet while flying. Not everyone wants to sit close to your “dogs!”

These are all basic yet important tips that will help make you a top-tier passenger on any flight. Following these, on top of being kind to your flight crew, will help make everyone’s travel experience a bit smoother. Have a great summer and safe travels!

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