
An Elderly Woman Got Angry With Her For Adopting The Dog She Really Wanted

pucko_ns - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

Dog adoptions can be a complex process, especially when there’s more than one person interested in a specific pup.

One woman and her husband recently had an awkward run-in with a woman who wanted to adopt the same dog as them from a shelter.

She’s 36, and her husband is 40, and they recently lost their sweet dog. She lived to be 14 years old, and they loved her very much. They waited a year to grieve and see if they were ready to bring another dog into their home. When they realized they were ready about a month ago, they started visiting dogs in shelters.

They met several dogs, and nothing felt right until they met one particular dog they loved, as she had a sweet temperament and was adorable.

“We had to wait a week for an owner to claim her as a lost dog, then another week to get spayed and vaccinated,” she explained.

“We called every day to see how she was doing and when she’d be ready for adoption. We arrived at the shelter before opening on her adoption day, and another woman was waiting there.”

The woman was elderly and asked them if they were there for the same dog. They said yes and that they wanted to let the shelter determine which candidate was the right fit for the dog.

That made the woman very angry, and while they waited for the shelter to process some paperwork and get things ready, she tried everything she could to get her and her husband to back out.

Any time another person entered the shelter, the woman told them she was there for her “dream dog” but that she and her husband were getting in the way of it.

pucko_ns – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

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