
An Elderly Female Wolf Living At Yellowstone Recently Welcomed A Litter Of Pups, Defying The Odds For A Species With An Average Life Span Of About Four Years

Currently, there are at least 124 wolves across 10 packs at the park. The average size of a wolf pack is about 12 members, which decreases the likelihood of being killed in territorial conflicts.

Wolf 907F’s age and experience have likely helped her pack thrive. Packs with elderly wolves tend to do better in stressful situations such as territorial fights because they know the best ways to handle these circumstances.

Wolf 907F is also skilled at crossing roads and avoiding contact with humans, even though she only has one working eye.

It is unclear what happened to her other eye. Her left eye has been in poor condition since she was less than four years old.

Her most recent litter consists of three pups, which is smaller than the average litter size of four to five. It’s not surprising, though. As wolves get older, litter sizes decline.

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