
A New Survey Revealed Younger Employees In Corporate America Feel Lonely, Disconnected, And Undervalued By Their Workplaces

Jordan C/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Being a young professional in corporate America can sometimes make you feel lonely, anxious, or simply unappreciated.

But, a recent survey has gathered and placed the overall sentiments of younger workers in the spotlight – revealing that workplaces today often feel stressful and isolating, particularly for the latest generation of young employees.

The American Psychological Association’s (APA) 2024 Work in America survey gathered responses from over 2,000 working American adults about their job experiences. The results showed that younger employees often feel undervalued, disconnected, and overwhelmed by their workplaces.

In fact, almost half – or 45% – of workers between the ages of 18 and 25 reported frequently experiencing loneliness at work, which is a significantly higher percentage than in older age groups. Moreover, younger employees are more likely to report feeling stressed or tense throughout a normal workday.

One factor that may be driving this surge of workplace anxiety and loneliness may stem from challenges connecting with coworkers of different age groups.

The survey revealed that 62% of workers aged 18 to 25, as well as 57% of workers aged 26 to 43, feel the most comfortable when working with peers within their own age range.

Ageism appears to be another father, too, since many younger employees feel like their ideas are not respected by colleagues who are significantly older or younger.

Plus, about 48% of workers between the ages of 18 and 25 believe that coworkers outside of their age group don’t value their ideas. This is compared to only 16% of workers who share the same sentiment in the 65 and older age group.

“With more workers retiring later in life, the demographics of the workplace are changing, and younger workers seem to be having the hardest time adjusting,” said the APA’s chief executive officer, Arthur C. Evans Jr.

Jordan C/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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