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A New Survey Revealed 78% Of Dating App Users Are Burnt Out, With Gen Zers Feeling The Most Exhaustion

The survey showed that 51 minutes is the average amount of time a dating app user spends per day swiping through potential matches. Women also spend slightly more time than men.

Furthermore, Millennials were found to be the most active on dating apps – averaging about 56 minutes per day; meanwhile, baby boomers spend the least amount of time, averaging 37 minutes per day.

According to Forbes Health Advisory Board member Rufus Tony Spann, Ph.D., people can get worn out from constantly trying to meet new people and dealing with missed opportunities and lies. So, as time goes on, the downsides of using dating apps can lead to lost hope in dating and finding a potential partner.

So, to combat feelings of burnout, the best thing is to swipe responsibly. In other words, practice moderation when using dating apps.

“If it’s taking you away from other meaningful activities in your life, or you find that you can’t stop and constantly think about using the app when you’re not using it, then those might be signs of problems,” concluded Judy Ho, Ph.D., who is also a Forbes Health Advisory Board member.

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