Categories: Relationships

A Mom Reported Her To Her Boss After She Told A Little Girl She Couldn’t Understand Her While Checking Her In For A Dental Appointment

Chip Chick

“Every question [I asked] was like that. The daughter would either whisper [her answer] so quietly that I could never hear her or [would] have no clue what to say. The whole time, the mom was just standing there smiling, like it wasn’t a problem.”

Finally, when she had a few more questions left, she told the little girl she was sorry but could not understand a word she was saying. Then, she turned to the mom and told her it’d be a lot easier if she just gave her daughter’s information, especially since the office was buzzing that day.

Her mom tried defending her daughter, saying she was doing very well and was being brave. However, she had to keep her job moving, so she told the mom she was holding up the line.

Then, the mom acted as if she was some sort of monster, telling her her daughter was “just a kid” and that she didn’t have to be rude.

“I told her I’m not being rude; I’ve got an office to run and [that she was] holding everyone else back. The mom frowned at me, answered, and took her daughter to the waiting room. After their appointment, my boss told me the mom [said she’d] file a complaint, leave a negative review, and had plans to find a new dentist for their children.”

Was she wrong to make the mom speak for her child at the office?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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