
A List Of All The Wild Animal Babies People Haven’t Witnessed Being Born


Saola, also known as the Asian unicorn, is found in Laos and Vietnam within the deep forests of the Annamite Mountains. It is similar to other hoofed animals like cattle, bison, and yaks.

Very few people have seen a live saola. We only know of their existence from remains in villages and camera traps. With the saola being so difficult to track down, it’s not surprising that nobody has ever seen one give birth.

Javan Rhino

There are just five species of rhinoceros left on the planet, and the Javan rhino is one of them. Toward the beginning of 2024, wild newborns were caught on camera.

The Javan rhino is an endangered species, and the entire population lives in the Ujung Kulon National Park in Java. So, of course, that is where the rhinos are giving birth. Still, no one has reported witnessing an actual birth.

Snow Leopard

Snow leopards are bred in captivity, so scientists have a better chance of gaining insight into their birthing process. They have only recently discovered the dens where snow leopards have their cubs after tracking females wearing radio collars.

The dens are well hidden, blending seamlessly into the rocky terrain. Perhaps a remote wildlife camera will finally capture some footage.

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