
A Guy Canceled Their Date After She Asked Him What He Went To Jail For

bernardbodo - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman met a guy online and began chatting with him. Then, they wound up meeting in person after they just so happened to attend the same event.

Over the last several weeks, they spoke more, and then he asked her out on a first date, which she said yes to.

Up until that point, their conversations were casual in nature and pertained to what they were interested in.

Given that, he was pretty much still a stranger to her, as she didn’t know that much about the guy.

He came across as funny and kind, and they did have a ton in common, so she was looking forward to getting to know him more in real life.

She asked him if she could ask him one question before going out on the date with him, and he said that she could.

She issued him a warning that the question was incredibly personal, but he still gave her the green light to ask. She just wanted to know what he had gone to jail over, as he mentioned it in passing once.

While she acknowledges that she could have tried to look this information up online, he has an incredibly generic name, which hindered that process for sure.

He told her the truth – that he went to jail over a DUI, before questioning her about whether or not that was a dealbreaker for her.

bernardbodo – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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