
A Guy Called Her Shallow For Being Disappointed That He Showed Up To Their First Date Dressed In Sweats And A T-Shirt

If she knew he was going to show up dressed the way he was, she would have just thrown on yoga pants and wouldn’t have bothered to do her makeup.

She could have saved herself the thirty minutes it took to shave her legs, too.

“Am I crazy that this bothered me?” she wondered. “It was just mini golf, but in my mind, first few dates, you’re dressing to impress and not necessarily wearing your regular everyday attire.”

“I tried to share this with him, and he said I was shallow, never wants to see me again, and good luck because he’s sure I’ll get many future complaints.”

“He interpreted this as me not accepting him for who he is…but I feel like if you can wear it to bed, it’s not something you wear on a first date!!”

She’s left wondering if it’s superficial of her to feel upset by this guy’s outfit on their first date. Never in her life has she had this happen to her in the decade she’s spent dating.

What do you think; would you be upset if you saw that your date made no effort for a first meeting?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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