
A Guide To Keeping Your Cat Safe During A Heat Wave

Diana - - illustrative purposes only

Regions all over America have been experiencing extreme heat and heat waves that are making everyone want to stay inside.

Dog owners like myself have been seeing a lot of informational videos and graphics on our social media feeds telling us how to keep our pups safe in extreme heat. There is so much information out there, and many people fear what could happen to their dogs if they overheat.

However, have you noticed you don’t see as much information about caring for your cats in extreme heat?

Cats are just as susceptible to overheating, and while you may assume your cat will be fine as long as you have air conditioning and their water is full, you should know what to do if your power goes out or it gets even hotter.

Here are a few tips for ensuring your feline friends are safe from extreme heat this summer!

Always have a water source nearby

Like any pet, cats need to stay hydrated, and it’s especially important they have a water source at all times of the day.

Remember to be diligent about keeping your cat’s water bowls full. If you notice they’re not interested in drinking water, you can encourage them to drink by adding yummy ingredients like salt-free broth. 

Cats sometimes like to have several water sources, so experiment with leaving two to three bowls around your house and keep them separate from their food and litter. You can also try purchasing a small feline water fountain or turn your kitchen tap on for them if they prefer running water.

Diana – – illustrative purposes only

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