
Within The Ancient Temple Of Hattusa In Turkey Lies A Green “Wishing Stone” That’s Believed To Have Magical Powers, Granting Wishes To Locals Who Place Their Hands On It

It is thought to be made of serpentinite or nephrite (jade). Its position at the front of the temple suggests that it once held religious significance, especially since cults were plentiful in the Hittite empire.

However, no other green stone has been found elsewhere in the region, even though nephrite was in abundance. Some experts speculate that it was carried over 300 miles from the Taurus mountains to southern Hattusa.

The stone may have been nothing more than a base for a statue. On the other hand, it could have been a throne for the king to sit on during religious rituals or served as a ceremonial altar.

There is no definitive evidence to confirm the function of the rock. Unless more groundbreaking discoveries are made, its origin and purpose may be unknown forever.

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