
The Head Of A Wealthy Egyptian Mummy Mysteriously Ended Up In This High School Library

She likely lived during the Greco-Roman period of Egypt, which took place between 332 B.C.E. and 395 C.E.

During this time, gold leaf was often used in the mummification process. According to Janet Davy, a forensic Egyptologist at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, the ancient woman was probably wealthy.

Researchers created a three-dimensional model of the woman’s skull. The eyes were sculpted first, along with markers for tissue depth and musculature.

After determining the shape of the mummy’s mouth, the skin, hair, and jewelry were added. Finally, it was coated in a bronze-colored resin.

It is hoped that the sculpture will bring interest not just to the mummy itself but to the woman’s story as well. The head and reconstruction will be displayed together.

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