
She’s Refusing To Pay For Her Adult Daughter’s Braces Because She Simply Can’t Afford It Anymore After Getting Divorced

Her daughter has been begging her to pay for the braces, but she refuses to because she can’t take on the expense, even though she’d like her daughter to be able to have them.

Unfortunately, her ex-husband wouldn’t be much help either because he now lives with another family and is the sole earner, so he can’t afford to send their daughter money.

“She is very angry at me [and] asked me what is different from four years ago,” she added.

“I told her 4 years ago that we had good insurance and a two-income household, and my rent was nearly half of what it is now. She said that she is still my dependent and it’s my responsibility. I said I don’t have any money, and I cannot pay for college, all her expenses and this.”

Should she feel bad for not being able to pay for her daughter’s braces?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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