
She’s Refusing To Hand Over Her Daughter’s College Fund Worth Nearly $200,000 Because Her Daughter Doesn’t Actually Plan To Attend College Right Now And Just Wants To Buy Some Things, Like A New Car

sepy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her husband have a daughter, who is 17 years old and currently a senior in high school.

But, back when their daughter was just a newborn, she and her husband started a college fund and began saving up for her future.

That’s why, 17 years later, they have nearly $200,000 put away to support their daughter’s college plans.

So, she and her husband were both shocked when their daughter recently informed them that she didn’t want to take the “traditional route” or attend a 4-year university right after graduating high school.

“[My daughter] wants to take some time off from education and get a job and figure out if, or when at all, she wants to go to school,” she explained.

Now, that was actually fine with her. In fact, she claimed that she would support her daughter on whatever path she chooses to take. But, what she isn’t okay with is handing over the nearly $200,000 college fund if her daughter isn’t actually going to college – at least right now.

Apparently, her daughter still asked if she and her husband would give her the money in the fund to buy a new car, as well as other things. However, she put her foot down and said no.

“Because if she does choose to eventually go to school, I still want there to be money left in the account,” she reasoned.

So, she told her daughter that she was going to hold onto the money for a “bit longer.”

sepy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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