
She’s Nine Months Pregnant, Yet Her Husband Called Her “Useless” For Not Keeping Their House Clean When She’s Home All Day

Aleksandr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I’ve always felt that pregnant women don’t get enough credit for everything that they go through in their condition.

They have babies growing in their bodies, experiencing tons of hormonal changes and physical discomfort, yet still manage to go about their daily routines as normally as possible.

One woman was recently hurt when her husband told her she was “useless” for not being able to get anything done around the house even though she was nine months pregnant.

She is due to give birth to her and her husband’s first baby in only two to three weeks and is experiencing all the chaos that comes with the later stages of pregnancy.

Since it’s her first pregnancy, every symptom and bodily change has been brand new to her, and she’s going through a lot.

She stopped working when she was seven months pregnant, which left her husband to be the only one working. His car broke down in the middle of everything, so he’s been taking her car to work every day, which means she’s been stranded at home every day for the last two months.

We got this big two-story house right before I got pregnant, and now that I’m pregnant, it’s hard to maintain it,” she said.

“It’s a lot on me, and I’m literally so tired all the time, so the house has been slacking. Yes, it is my fault, [and] I feel bad asking my husband for help since he’s out working every day. Tasks are just becoming harder and harder on me, especially in this last trimester.”

A few mornings ago, her husband was in an especially bad mood because there was a lot of dirty laundry around the house.

Aleksandr – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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