
She’s Leaving Her Husband And Writing Him A Note Instead Of Telling Him To His Face

All of her loved ones have implored her not to tell her husband that she is leaving him until she’s out of the house completely.

She’s honestly not doing well mentally now that she has decided to leave her husband, and she’s planning on writing him the below note in lieu of telling him her plans in person.

“This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to say,” she wants to put in the note. “I’ve decided that I need space and time from our relationship. It was a long and hard road for me to come to this decision.”

“I wanted to tell you in person so my leaving wouldn’t be such a shock, but I had genuine concerns about having this talk face to face. I know this hurts. My instinct is to be there for you to help you through the pain, but I am dealing with my own pain and barely holding on. I really need to focus on my own mental and physical health right now.

“I am sure you have a million questions, but I ask that you give us both some time to process before we communicate on the phone, and I think it is best if we limit contact in general for now. I only want to handle this with kindness and fairness.”

“I will always love you, and you deserve to be happy just as much as I do. Please take care of yourself.”

What do you think about her decision to write this note to her husband?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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